Land Clearing Services

Licensed & Insured | Free Estimates | 15+ Years Experience

Land Clearing Services

Lot and land clearing services are essential for preparing a site for development, landscaping, or restoration projects. At Tree's R Us, we specialize in expert lot and land clearing, providing comprehensive solutions to transform overgrown or undeveloped areas into usable spaces. Our skilled team utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and environmentally responsible practices to clear vegetation, debris, and obstacles efficiently and safely.

1. Vegetation Removal: Clearing trees, shrubs, and underbrush to create open space and facilitate construction or landscaping.

2. Grading and Leveling: Preparing the site by grading and leveling the land to ensure proper drainage and a smooth foundation for future development.

3. Stump Grinding: Removing tree stumps and roots to eliminate tripping hazards, free up space, and prepare the ground for replanting or landscaping.


What signs indicate that a tree may need to be removed?

Signs that a tree may need removal include severe damage from storms or disease, extensive root decay, significant leaning, hollow or rotten trunk, large dead branches, or proximity to structures and power lines posing safety hazards. Our certified arborists can assess your tree's condition and recommend the best course of action.

How often should I trim my trees?

The frequency of tree trimming depends on factors such as tree species, age, health, and location. As a general guideline, most trees benefit from pruning every 3-5 years to maintain their shape, promote healthy growth, and remove dead or diseased branches.

Do you provide emergency tree services?

Yes, we offer 24/7 emergency tree services to address urgent situations such as storm damage, fallen trees blocking roads or structures, and hazardous limbs endangering property or safety. Contact us immediately, and our experienced team will promptly respond to mitigate risks and restore safety to your property.

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"Precision Cuts, Reliable Service. Safeguarding Your Surroundings, Tree by Tree."




Winston-Salem, NC, USA

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